10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Nonprofit Consultant

Are you thinking of hiring a nonprofit consultant?

Most organizations consider consultants when they need to access a skill that does not exist in the organization or when there is limited in house capacity or they need an objective third party to help them move forward. Hiring a nonprofit consultant can be a substantial investment and you want to maximize your chance for success.

Here are 10 questions to ask consultants before […]

2022-10-01T01:53:15+00:00February 1, 2022|

What’s Possible If We Make Developing Our People Core to Our Mission?

A Recap: What’s Possible If We Make Developing Our People Core to Our Mission?

On October 20, The Strategy Group held a webinar for over 50 nonprofit professionals from around the country. Leadership development experts and current/former CEOs, Ed Offterdinger and Catherine Allen talked about what is possible when organizations make people core to their mission. They shared insights from their new book, Conscious, Capable, and Ready to Contribute, A Fable: […]

2022-04-05T23:09:48+00:00October 27, 2021|

Leadership Training: Plan Now

Your employees and board members are the “secret sauce” that can move your organization from ordinary extraordinary. Professional development is a valuable tool for investing in people and fostering growth. The Strategy Group offers several half- and full-day retreats to meet your professional development needs. Workshop topics include:

  • Governance Best Practices – Purposeful boards understand their roles in helping organizations live their missions. We cover topics ranging from nonprofit governance trends to best […]
2024-06-21T20:53:05+00:00July 9, 2021|

Strategic Planning For Nonprofits is Not One-Size-Fits-All

The #1 question we get from clients is “why should we do strategic planning”? Our answer is short, it provides focus, clarity, and direction.

Yes, strategic planning for nonprofits is a significant investment in terms of time and money, both of which may be in short supply, but these resources could actually be improved or maximized with a strategic plan in place.

Strategic Planning helps you to answer some simple, yet […]

2019-08-27T16:39:26+00:00February 11, 2019|

A Simple Strategy or A Daring Adventure?

Seven years ago, we embarked on a daring adventure and gave it a name, The Strategy Group LLC. Our vision was simple…we wanted to help nonprofits address and solve their greatest challenges in the best way possible. We have been invited into organizations who want to strengthen their impact, improve their processes, and transform their culture.  

Our clients motivate us to be the best we can […]

2020-06-02T21:16:13+00:00December 11, 2018|

Why should nonprofit boards care about diversity?

Does Your Board Reflect Who You Are and Who You Want To Be?

Why should nonprofit boards care about their diversity? Nonprofit boards need diversity – racial diversity, gender diversity, thought diversity, experience diverse.

Most nonprofit boards lack diversity by most demographic measures. In his recent article “The Wall Street Takeover of Nonprofit Boards,” Garry Jenkins writes about the pressure on nonprofits to raise money to adopt more corporate approaches to their […]

2020-06-02T23:23:09+00:00December 8, 2017|
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