Historically, January is the time of year when organizations start their strategic planning. But with the pandemic, we’ve found a shift in thinking, and many are thinking short-term, with some needing to think about issues more immediate and some needing to think about multiple issues and weigh the pros and cons. We thought it helpful to break down the types of planning we can help with.

Short-term planning addresses an immediate need in a short period of time, measured in weeks or months rather than years. You may need to figure out how to pivot your programming or reconfigure your budget or bring staff back into the office.  Short-term goals tend to be operational and measurable.

Scenario planning offers organizations tools for strategic thinking and decision making. It helps decision-makers to identify the uncertainties you are facing and map out different “realities” that might happen – it allows you to evaluate responses and manage for both positive and negative possibilities. It sounds simple, and part of it is. It can also make a difference in your ability to navigate these rough waters more adeptly. Last May we held a webinar on scenario planning. To view the video or download the materials, click here.

The purpose of strategic planning is to set long-term goals for your organization and to develop a plan to achieve them. It involves stepping back from your day-to-day operations and asking where your organization is headed and how you are going to get there. Strategic planning helps organizations achieve clarity, set priorities and strategies, determine resource implications, and establish outcome metrics. Typically, strategic plans focus on periods of time from two to four years. 

If we can be of help you to you with your planning, please reach out to us at